Make an adequate separate collection, turn off the lights, get around by bicycle are simple actions that integrated into the daily routine of many people, can make a difference by contributing to safeguarding the planet .

There are several green habits i.e. simple daily actions or small ecological expedients that they can adopt at home, at work but also on vacation . They, if adopted by each of us, can really make a difference and contribute to the protection of the environment.

10 green habits that safeguard the planet

To be greens it also means save money by making the most of available resources . Reuse, rebuild and recycle whatever is possible.

By adopting the following green habits you can really both save money and safeguard our planet.

1. Don't buy plastic bottles

Avoid buying water contained in plastic bottles is one green choice .

The plastic bottles i am one of major pollutants in landfills .

They are used every minute nearly a million plastic bottles but only 9% can be recycled . The rest accumulates in landfills often ending up in the ocean where, according to experts, in the year 2050 we will have more plastic than fish!

A sustainable alternative is to use a bottle containing purified tap water with the appropriate devices available on the market.

2. Recycle as much as possible

It may seem trivial but recycling is essential for our environment , at home or on the road.

Most cities have now joined separate waste collection. If the city you live in or the place where you spend your holidays does not practice the differentiation in waste collection then you can start making it yourself, also teaching it to your children.

3. Plant a tree

Planting a tree in the backyard is one of the best ways to reduce air pollution . Trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, improving the air of cities with positive health effects .

4. Save water

Water is a precious commodity which unfortunately it is limited , but thanks to today's technology it is possible purify it and reuse it .

One can be done shower faster and turn off the water faucet while brushing your teeth . This would save nearly 38 liters of water per capita per day. If one hundred people did it every day, we would save thousands of liters of clean water.

It can save water too closing it while you are soaping .

By making small efforts, simple precautions can be taken and reduce consumption of this precious commodity.

5. Save electricity

For avoid waste and excessive consumption of energy , why not install the LED energy saving light bulb ? A small investment useful for safeguarding the planet, which will lower household bills.

The energy saving lights consume the 75% less of energy of traditional lights. Also at home or on vacation, remember to Always turn off the lights and turn off all devices and appliances when they are not in use .

6. Choose your own production

Cooking and producing homemade tomato puree is a green choice!

Homemade food, natural soaps, preserves, jams, creams or infusions for the body… self-production is one of the fundamental choices for saving and living in a more sustainable way .

Just think about C02 emissions that they can avoid by giving up going by car at the supermarket near home!

Sometimes a few simple ingredients are enough to produce what you need at home. An example? Ecological and natural detergents can be produced using lemon, vinegar and orange peels.

It is advisable buy seasonal fruit and vegetables which ensure the freshness and nutritional value of the food. The fruit and vegetables sold out of season they are often frozen or preserved with chemicals . Buying food in season guarantees the consumption of fresh food, without implying excessive packaging, preservatives or fuel consumption.

7. Choose sustainable mobility

So that each of us can concretely contribute to emit lower quantities of carbon into the atmosphere , it is better to choose the train rather than the car, avoid cruises and, when possible, it would be preferable to get around by bicycle.

It's always better I would choose public transport to move: like this improves air quality and also reduces fuel and car maintenance costs .

16% of man-made carbon emissions come from transportation. Trains and buses don't cause as much pollution as cars, and if just 10 of us adapted to this habit, together we could save more than 9,000 kilograms of carbon per year .

But when it is not possible, then at least try to organize or participate in a car pool ! Your travels will be green and fun and you will also have the opportunity to meet new people.

8. Watch your spending

in Western countries about 670 million packaged foods are thrown away every year . That means more than 95 kilos per year per person. Consequently, it must learn how to do the shopping, choosing the necessary quantities of food , without being influenced by offers and trying to avoid waste. Better not to fill the fridge too much: a full fridge consumes more!

It's important buy organic and local products supporting the virtuous economy and the short supply chain (zero kilometers) . This way yes reduce C02 emissions due to the transfer of food products. And, if you're lucky enough to have one farmer's market close to home, choose it over the supermarket!

9. Using second hand items

A smartphone, a vintage dress, coffee grounds, an old bicycle… everything has a second life! We are in a consumerist society: we tend to throw away what is broken to buy a new one . But what if instead of throwing it away we fix it?

Fruit and vegetable scraps can become compost for the garden , an old cotton jacket an excellent duster.

Different objects can be bought second hand . Fortunately this habit is becoming increasingly popular among young people and vintage clothing it is increasingly appreciated.

10. Buy sustainable products

Our artisan company favors manual work, without the use of machinery that requires power and involves large wastes of energy. Buying an Adalù product already implies an eco-sustainable choice.

The lycra we use is called Renew , and is made of ELASTAN LYCRA® XTRA LIFE® together with ECONYL® regenerated nylon made up of 100% nylon waste such as fishing nets collected from the ocean or fabric scraps recovered from landfills.

With the commitment to always do our best to protect the sea and everything that surrounds it, we leave you to sustainable shopping!

April 27, 2022 — Valeria Donati